A Reflux Friendly Lifestyle

There are a lot of things I’ve changed about my life over the last four years living with acid reflux. Not all of these changes were made overnight, especially the mental health portion.

Adopt a low-acid diet/reflux-friendly diet

This is definitely the hardest, but most beneficial lifestyle change I’ve made. I follow The Acid Watcher book written by Dr. Jonathan Aviv, an ENT in New York City. I recommend both of books The Acid Watcher Diet & The Acid Watcher Cookbook.

Hard exercise in the morning

If I’m going to run, I do it in the morning on an empty stomach. This seems to work best for me. I avoid yoga, lifting heavy weights, and anything that puts a decent amount of pressure on my stomach region. I also try not to wear too tight of workout pants.

Raise head of the bed

I like to raise the whole side of my bed with these bed raisers. I find that 8 inches is the key. My husband is a literal SAINT and also sleeps like this. We actually kind of like it.

Avoid mint dental hygiene products

It’s getting easier to find dental hygiene produce with out mint! Here a few of my favorite.

Hello Toothpaste Kids bubble gum flavor with floride

Risewell Toothpaste Kids cake batter flavor with hydroxyapatite

Coco Floss - I love this stuff, but my husband has a hard time with it as his teeth are pretty close together. I love the coconut flavor, but they have other fun flavors like vanilla bean.

Gaviscon Advanced

I purchase Gaviscon Advanced- the anise seed flavor off Amazon. Sold in the UK, and not in the US, it can take a while to be shipped from the UK.

Focus on mental health

As a psychology major, I know how important this is. And we all know extra stress can damage our well-being. Reflux is a western disease and part of me wonders how much our stressful lives play a part. This is what I’ve done,

  • CBT therapy

  • Read “How to do the Work”

  • Set boundaries and work on relationships with others and myself

  • Take a walk daily, even if it’s just for 10 minutes

  • Spend time outside

  • Prioritize 8-9 hours of sleep a night

  • Practice gratitude, mindfulness, and meditation


Farm-to-Table: Nourishing Health and Community with a Low-Acid Lifestyle


Low-Acid Summer Spring Rolls