Mel’s Reflux Friendly NOmato
I’ve made this sauce probably 4.8789 million times. I can’t stop and I won’t stop. It has been the most perfect substitute for tomatoes.
Real talk, real quick. You can call it NOmato sauce, but I feel like people expect so much of it when you call it NOmato as people will want it to taste just like tomatoes. I mean it is pretty close, but it still isn’t a tomato sauce. I feel like this delicious sauce on it’s own works as a perfect substitute for tomato sauce or tomato paste in most recipes.
Only after having to omit tomatoes from my diet, did I realize just how much they were a staple. So after dealing with this tragic loss over the last year, because basically everything in tomato sauce is off limits, I knew I HAD to come up with a solution.
At first, I made this veggie sauce over a year ago, but it wasn’t quite right. Don’t get me wrong it was pretty good, but as spring came along I kind of forgot about it. Now that we’re back into fall and comfort cooking I knew I had to perfect it. I mean it also might be the fact that I’m 8 months pregnant and I’ve been craving a rich meaty Bolognese sauce like nobodies business.
I set out about two months ago to perfect it and I’m happy to say I think I have nailed it! A little history of me and this veggie sauce. In the past I’ve used sweet potatoes or pumpkin in the place of butternut squash, but in my opinion nothing can beat butternut. I’ve added fennel, but it has so much flavor it at times overwhelms it. I add more beets or omitted beet all together, but find a hint of beets is necessary. I’ve added only dried herbs or fresh herbs, but a combo of the two is best. And I’m just going to say no on the parsnips. I’ve simmered this for hours to help the flavors meld, although delicious it lost some of the red color, plus it ends up cooking more when I add it to other dishes. I’ve steamed the veggies, but nothing beats roasting them. Yhew, I told you I’ve been desperate!
Ok, ok, ok, now onto the recipe.

- 1/2 butternut squash, cut into 2" cubes
- 4 ribs celery, cut into 2" cubes
- 4 carrots, cut into 2" cubes
- 1/2 small beet, cut into 1" cubes
- 2 tbsp dried Italian seaosning (mixture of oregano, marjoram, thyme, basil, rosemary & sage)
- 1 tbsp fresh oregano, chopped
- 1 tbsp fresh basil, chopped
- 1 cup water, more as needed
- 1 tbsp salt, more as needed
- 1 tbsp cold-pressed olive oil or butter (optional)
- Preheat oven to 425F.
- On a baking sheet combine carrots, celery, butternut squash, and beets. Lather with olive oil and roast for about 45 minutes, or until tender.
- Remove from oven, let cool for about 10 minutes.
- Place in bowl of food processor, add Italian seasonings, oregano, basil, water, salt (and olive oil if adding). Purée until smooth, adding more water, 2 tbsp at a time, as needed.
- If adding butter transfer to dutch oven warm over low heat. Add butter and simmer for about 10 mintues until butter is melted. Allow to chill and place in fridge for up to 4 days. Or place in freezer bags and freeze for at least a month.
- This can at times take quite a bit of water. You can always add the butter later when making a dish.
- Add more or less beets depending on what you like. I generally add a little less. I've left it out, but I think a small amount is needed for added flavor!!
- I've never kept my veggie sauce frozen for over a month, because I use it, but I'm sure it will last longer.
I feel like I’ve literally put this stuff in everything from taco meat, to chili, to Bolognese sauce over pasta and even on pizza! I make huge batches of it and keep plenty frozen to have on hand. I make it once a week because I’m so afraid of running out. I had it at least 6 times last week. 6 TIMES!
Thankfully I’ve found a sauce that has upped and changed my low-acid cooking game by giving me so much missed flavor.
For me this recipe has kind of been like a work art and not an exact science, so really just have fun with it and taste it along the way. If you make this let me know how it goes and what you think of it!